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SA Beneficiamento

The conquest of new markets led GRUPO SALES ANDRADE to invest in technology and new equipment, with a view to increasing its production capacity. This increase resulted in a significant increase in gerating waste.
In order to find a solution to this challenge with the conquest of new markets, GRUPO SALES ANDRADE, always searching for the best scientific-technological matters, began to invest in new technologies and more efficient equipment. This effort, in an unique action, in 2003 created the company SA INDUSTRIA E BENEFICIAMENTO MINERAL LTDA with the main purpose of developing research seeking the use of waste generated in the extraction of São Thomé Quartzite. The company started its operations installing a plant for crushing and grinding the unproductive material from the quartzite mine, in order to provide a significant reduction in the environmental impacts generated by the formation of waste piles and increase the economic and rational use of deposits of great acceptance in the market.
In early 2012, the group expanded its quartzite waste grinding unit, with the implementation of a Quartzite São Thomé sieving system to attend a new segment of sand and similar.

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